Shirley lives in Foggy Bottom, Washington, DC with her husband Scott, and Yellow Labrador, “Madison”. Her educational and professional background is in “human” healthcare, and, as an RN/MBA, has worked in a variety of healthcare settings including the Military (U.S. Army Nurse Corps), Academia, Corporate, and the Department of State. Shirley Wayne has traveled extensively, both professionally and personally, and with the help of her husband, once “rescued” a hungry street puppy from a mountain top in Bosnia – “Billy of Bosnia” happily emigrated to NYC and became a star to loving Broadway musician “parents”! As a longtime client and advocate of VOSM, she is excited to be a part of Project GO, which will offer the miracles of VOSM’s advanced orthopedic care to animals throughout the world. Shirley currently works with her husband in their international economic development consulting practice, SW Associates, LLC.